Table 1.
Case series of four patients with eosinophilic colitis.
Patient | Age gender | Symptoms | Relevant history | Colon involved | Location and mean eosinophil count per HPF | Treatment | Outcome |
1 | 2 months-M | Hematochezia | Vesicoureteral reflux with hydronephrosis | Sigmoid | Lamina propria-23 | Dietary modification | Resolution of symptoms. No recurrence |
2 | 4 months-M | Hematochezia | GERD, C. diff colitis. | Ascending | Lamina propria-33 | Dietary modification | Resolution of symptoms. No recurrence |
3 | 3 years-M | Persistent diarrhea | Selective IgA deficiency | Ascending | Lamina propria and muscularis mucosae-38 | Dietary modification | Resolution of symptoms. No recurrence |
4 | 53 years-F | Persistent diarrhea | T-cell lymphoma (status after BMT), C. diff colitis | Ascending & rectum | Lamina propria and muscularis mucosae-29 | Prednisone | Deceased after 2 months |
5 | 73 years-F | Severe diarrhea | History of rheumatoid arthritis | Ascending and transverse colon | Lamina propria and muscularis mucosae-32 | Budesonide | Incomplete response to initial treatment |
HPF: high-power field, GERD: gastroesophageal reflux disease, C. diff: clostridium difficile, BMT: bone marrow transplant.