Figure 3.
Three-dimensional structures of different Type I RIPs and ricin A chain. Superimposition of secondary structure elements of Ricin A chain (PDB code 1J1M), Thricosanthin (PDB code 1J4G), Saporin (PDB code 1QI7), Dianthin (PDB code 1RL0), PAP (PDB code 1PAF), Bouganin (PDB code 3CTK), and Gelonin (PDB code 3KTZ). Five conserved residues in the active site clefts corresponding to Saporin residues Tyr72, Tyr120, Glu176, Arg179, Trp208 are highlighted in magenta while the other colors refer to RIPs as following: Ricin in blue, Thricosanthin in red, PAP in green, Bouganin in yellow, Gelonin in orange. Crystal structures with high homology to the RIP sequences in Figure 2 have been superimposed by the SSM algorithm and this figure was produced by PyMOL.