Figure 1.
Experimental paradigm and stimulation areas. The inset in the upper left shows a typical sensory saltation trial, consisting of a reference (missing in the “utterly reduced rabbit” pattern), an attractee, and an attractant. Reference and attractee are always presented at the same position with a constant SOA of about 1000 ms. The attractant is presented at a different position with a variable delay. Experiments 1 and 2 were performed at the ventral and dorsal forearm, respectively, with reference and attractee always being presented at the most distal position and the attractant being presented at the most proximal position. In experiment 3, saltation patterns were presented at the left abdomen in vertical direction, both upward and downward. In experiment 4, saltation patterns were presented in horizontal direction on the abdomen, either unilaterally or bilaterally, always from left to right. In addition to the saltation patterns, single stimuli at a total of eight positions (those used in the saltation trials and six in between), were presented in experiments 1 and 2. See the Method sections for details on positioning and spacing of the stimulus positions.