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. 2011 Sep;101(9):1714–1720. doi: 10.2105/AJPH.2011.300152


Hierarchical Multinomial Logistic Regression Estimating Competing Risk of Low Birth Weight by Cause: Michigan Metropolitan Areas, 2000

Intrauterine Growth Restriction, OR (95% CI) Preterm Birth, OR (95% CI)
Maternal characteristics
    Age 1.010* (1.005, 1.015) 1.019* (1.014, 1.025)
    Race 1.923* (1.746, 2.119) 2.372* (2.136, 2.635)
Census tract characteristics
    White segregated 1.102 (0.984, 1.234) 0.988 (0.871, 1.119)
    Black nonsegregated 1.208* (1.095, 1.333) 0.998 (0.893, 1.115)
    Black segregated 1.187*** (1.029, 1.370) 1.106 (0.944, 1.294)
    Poor segregated 1.066 (0.950, 1.196) 1.042 (0.913, 1.189)
    Vacancies, % 1.157* (1.078, 1.242) 0.973 (0.901, 1.051)
    Women with college education, % 0.995* (0.993, 0.998) 0.996** (0.993, 0.999)

Note. CI = confidence interval; OR = odds ratio. Models included fixed effects for metropolitan statistical area.

*P < .05; **P < .01; ***P < .001.