Hypoxia and HIF-2α attenuate the diminishment of VEGF production evoked by OTA. LLC-PK1 cells were cultured under normoxic and hypoxic conditions for 24 h and stimulated by 25 μM OTA. OTA attenuated induction of VEGF expression evoked by hypoxia on mRNA level determined by real-time PCR (A) as well as on the protein level assessed by ELISA (B). Overexpression of HIF-2α but not HIF-1α abolished the diminishment of VEGF expression evoked by OTA on mRNA (C) and protein (D) level. Mean from 2 (A), 3 (B), 3–5 (C) or 3–4 (D) experiments performed in duplicates, *p < 0.05 vs. control (A, B); vs. relevant AdGFP control (C, D), #p < 0.05 vs. OTA (A, B); vs. AdGFP + OTA (C, D).