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. 2011 Jul 15;12(2):139–151. doi: 10.4161/cbt.12.2.15732

Table 2.

Genes that are upregulated by PIAS3 overexpression (but not STAT3 knockdown) using a 10-fold increase as cutoff

Symbol Entrez gene name Affymetrix/Entrez gene Fold change
APOL1 apolipoprotein L, 1 209546_s_at 11.31
AQP3 aquaporin 3 (Gill blood group) 39248_at 12.13
CST1 cystatin SN 206224_at 12.13
GBP1 guanylate binding protein 1, interferon-inducible, 67 kDa 202270_at 12.13
IRF9 interferon regulatory factor 9 203882_at 12.13
SP110 SP110 nuclear body protein 208392_x_at 12.13
TRPM4 transient receptor potential cation channel, subfamily M, member 4 219360_s_at 12.13
ANKRD26 ankyrin repeat domain 26 205705_at 13.00
TMOD2 tropomodulin 2 (neuronal) 219701_at 13.00
C18ORF1 chromosome 18 open reading frame 1 207996_s_at 13.93
DDX60 DEAD (Asp-Glu-Ala-Asp) box polypeptide 60 218986_s_at 13.93
FCGBP Fc fragment of IgG binding protein 203240_at 13.93
IFIT5 interferon-induced protein with tetratricopeptide repeats 5 203596_s_at 13.93
LRRTM4 leucine rich repeat transmembrane neuronal 4 220345_at 13.93
NR4A1 nuclear receptor subfamily 4, group A, member 1 202340_x_at 13.93
SAMD9 sterile alpha motif domain containing 9 219691_at 13.93
CCDC69 coiled-coil domain containing 69 212886_at 14.93
FAM63B family with sequence similarity 63, member B 37802_r_at 14.93
PAQR6 progestin and adipoQ receptor family member VI 219236_at 14.93
FGB fibrinogen β chain 204988_at 16.00
IFIT2 interferon-induced protein with tetratricopeptide repeats 2 217502_at 16.00
PDE1A phosphodiesterase 1A, calmodulin-dependent 208396_s_at 16.00
CYP4F11 cytochrome P450, family 4, subfamily F, polypeptide 11 206153_at 17.15
IFI16 interferon, gamma-inducible protein 16 208966_x_at 17.15
S100P S100 calcium binding protein P 204351_at 17.15
OASL 2′-5′-oligoadenylate synthetase-like 205660_at 18.38
IRF7 interferon regulatory factor 7 208436_s_at 19.70
TNFSF10 tumor necrosis factor (ligand) superfamily, member 10 202688_at 19.70
ESM1 endothelial cell-specific molecule 1 208394_x_at 21.11
FGA fibrinogen alpha chain 205649_s_at 21.11
IGHM immunoglobulin heavy constant mu 216558_x_at 21.11
NPHP1 nephronophthisis 1 (juvenile) 206285_at 21.11
LAMP3 lysosomal-associated membrane protein 3 205569_at 22.63
TNFRSF11B tumor necrosis factor receptor superfamily, member 11b 204932_at 22.63
CES1 carboxylesterase 1 (monocyte/macrophage serine esterase 1) 209616_s_at 24.25
PCSK5 proprotein convertase subtilisin/kexin type 5 213652_at 24.25
SERPINB3 serpin peptidase inhibitor, clade B (ovalbumin), member 3 209720_s_at 25.99
HERC5 hect domain and RLD 5 219863_at 27.86
IFI6 interferon, alpha-inducible protein 6 204415_at 27.86
TRIM22 tripartite motif-containing 22 213293_s_at 27.86
DDX58 DEAD (Asp-Glu-Ala-Asp) box polypeptide 58 218943_s_at 29.86
IFIT3 interferon-induced protein with tetratricopeptide repeats 3 204747_at 29.86
RSAD2 radical S-adenosyl methionine domain containing 2 213797_at 29.86
FXYD2 FXYD domain containing ion transport regulator 2 217091_at 34.30
TM4SF20 transmembrane 4 L six family member 20 220639_at 34.30
CDH17 cadherin 17, LI cadherin (liver-intestine) 209847_at 36.76
MUC5AC mucin 5AC, oligomeric mucus/gel-forming 214303_x_at 36.76
ISG20 interferon stimulated exonuclease gene 20 kDa 204698_at 39.40
OAS2 2′-5′-oligoadenylate synthetase 2, 69/71 kDa 204972_at 39.40
IFIH1 interferon induced with helicase C domain 1 219209_at 42.22
IFI44 interferon-induced protein 44 214453_s_at 45.25
OAS1 2′,5′-oligoadenylate synthetase 1, 40/46 kDa 205552_s_at 45.25
ANK3 ankyrin 3, node of Ranvier (ankyrin G) 206385_s_at 51.98
ISG15 ISG15 ubiquitin-like modifier 205483_s_at 55.72
MX1 myxovirus (influenza virus) resistance 1, interferon-inducible protein p78 (mouse) 202086_at 55.72
CCL5 chemokine (C-C motif) ligand 5 1405_i_at 59.71
IFITM1 interferon induced transmembrane protein 1 (9–27) 201601_x_at 90.51
IFI44L interferon-induced protein 44-like 204439_at 103.97
BST2 bone marrow stromal cell antigen 2 201641_at 119.43
IFIT1 interferon-induced protein with tetratricopeptide repeats 1 203153_at 256.00
IFI27 interferon, alpha-inducible protein 27 202411_at 362.04
HHS Vulnerability Disclosure