FIG. 1.
WNV inhibits accumulation of IFNAR1. (A) HeLa cells were infected with WNV NY99 at an MOI of 0.5 or 2 for 24 h and lysates were analyzed by Western blotting with anti-IFNAR1, anti-NS3 (WNV), and anti-tubulin antibody. (B) Vero cells were infected with WNV NY99 at an MOI of 2 for 24 h and lysates were analyzed by Western blotting with anti-IFNAR1, anti-NS3 (WNV), and anti-tubulin antibody. (C) Graph representing densitometry of IFNAR1 bands in multiple experiments with HeLa and Vero cells. (D) HeLa and WNV replicon-bearing HeLa cells, KUNCD20, and cell lysates were analyzed by Western blotting with anti-IFNAR1, anti-STAT1, and anti-NS3 (WNV) antibody. Triplicate samples were run for comparison. (E) HeLa cells were transfected with plasmids expressing IFNAR1, IFNAR2, or IL-12Rβ1 and 48 h later were infected with WNV NY99 (MOI of 2) for 24 h. Cell lysates were analyzed by Western blotting with the indicated antibodies. Data from one representative experiment of three are shown.