Fig. 6.
Effects of GABA on GRP+LP+ neurons between ZT 17:00 and 21:00. A: a GFP+LP+ neuron was subjected to a hyperpolarizing pulse to −90 mV in ACSF (left), 0.1 mM GABA (middle), and an ACSF wash (right). Membrane oscillations were weak in ACSF, more prominent in GABA, and again weak following an ACSF wash. The current injected to bring cells to −90 mV varied, reflecting GABA-induced decreases in membrane resistance [F(2–31) = 7.3, P = 0.003]. B: membrane potentials (mean ± 1 SE) are plotted for GFP+LP− cells in ACSF, treated with 10 μM bicuculline and in ACSF wash (n = 9; not significant, right).