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. 2011 Jul 27;3:32. doi: 10.1186/1758-3284-3-32

Table 1.

Patient demographics and outcome

Pt Sex/age Differentiation TNM (stage) Surgical Resection Chemotherapy Radiotherapy Failure (mo) Definitive Treatment of recurrence Follow-up (mo)
1 M/22 mod T4aN0M0 (IVA) ND, MM, mandibulectomy none AdRT none none NED (166)
2 F/67 mod T4aN2bM0 (IVA) CFR, R ND (I-III) NAC AdRT dural metastases (21) none DOD (56.2)
3 F/43 mod T1N0M0 (I) SPH, ETH none AdRT none none NED (31.3)
4 M/46 mod T4bN1M0 (IVb) none NAC CRT none none NED (16.6)
5 M/54 mod T4N0M0 (IV) STR ES Concurrent AdCRT Bilateral cervical LN (46) ND, AdRT NED (107)
6 M/47 mod T4bN0M0 (IVB) STR CFR none AdRT Ipsilateral level I (125) ND, AdCRT NED (172)
7 M/54 mod TxN0M0 S AdC AdRT local (80) NAC/RT/AdC, CFR DOD (119)
8 M/78 poorly T4bN0M0 (IVB) S none none none none NED/Dead (77)
9 F/24 poorly T4bN0M0 (IVB) none NAC; AdC RT none none NED (136)
10 F/47 poorly T4bN1M0 (IVB) none NAC RT leptomeningeal dz (4.1) none DOD (13)
11 F/38 poorly T4bN0M0 (IVB) CFR none AdRT none none NED (47.5)
12 M/53 poorly TxN0M0 STR ETH AdC; concurrent AdCRT none none NED (17.8)
13 M/51 poorly T3N0M0 (III) none NAC; AdC RT persistent (0) none DOD (17)
14 F/57 poorly T4aN0M0 (IVA) CFR, SPH NAC none none none DOC (16)
15 M/70 poorly T4bN0M0 (IVB) STR ETH AdC none persistent (0) CFR/RT DOD (16)
16 F/33 poorly T2N0M0 (II) CFR none AdRT Ipsilateral
levels I-V (5)
ND, AdRT NED (149)
17 M/38 poorly T2N0M0 (II) none NAC RT local (11) ETH/MM/SPH, AdCRT DOD (37.5)
18 F/60 poorly T4bN0M0 (IVB) STR CFR AdC AdRT persistent (0) AdC NED/Dead (112)
19 F/38 poorly T4aN0M0 (IVA) CFR none AdRT none none NED (168)
20 M/64 poorly T4bN0M0 (IVB) STR CFR Concurrent AdCRT none none NED (63)

AWD = alive with disease; NED = no evidence of disease; DOD = dead of disease; DOC = dead of treatment complications. S = resection of unknown type, RT = radiation therapy, AdRT = adjuvant radiation therapy, NAC = neoadjuvant chemotherapy, AdC = adjuvant chemotherapy, AdCRT = adjuvant chemoradiation. CFR = Craniofacial Resection, ETH = Ethmoidectomy, SPH = Sphenoidectomy, MM = Medial Maxillectomy, STR = Subtotal Resection.