Table 5.
Vaccine | U.S. brand name | Type | Current guidelines for adults | Contraindicated in pregnancy or immunocompromising conditions (Pregnancy category §) |
Hepatitis A | HAVRIX®; VAQTA® | Inactivated | Recommended 2 doses for all adults with risk factors (including immunocompromising conditions) | No (C) |
Hepatitis B | Engerix-B®; Recombivax HB® | Inactivated | Recommended 3 doses for all adults with risk factors (including immunocompromising conditions) | No (C) |
Measles, mumps, rubella | M-M-R® II | Live, attenuated | Recommended 1 or 2 doses for all adults who are not immune, students, health-care workers, or in an outbreak setting | Yes (C) |
Varicella | Varivax® | Live, attenuated | Recommended 2 doses for all adults without evidence of immunity to varicella | Yes (C) |
Herpes zoster | Zostavax® | Live, attenuated | Recommended 1 dose for all adults aged 60 or older regardless of a prior episode of herpes zoster | Yes (C) |
HPV | Gardasil® | Inactivated | Recommended 3 doses for all females aged between 19 and 26 regardless of prior history of genital warts, abnormal Pap smear or positive HPV DNA tests | Yes † (B) |
Influenza | Afluria®; Fluarix®; FluLaval™; Fluvirin®; Fluzone®; FluMist® | Inactivated, except FluMist® (intranasal- live, attenuated) | Recommended annual vaccination | No (except FluMist®) (C) |
More information for all the vaccines is available at
Pregnancy risk factor — category A: controlled studies showed no risk in pregnancy; category B: no evidence of risk in humans; category C: risk cannot be ruled out; category D: positive evidence of risk; category X: contraindicated in pregnancy
Currently not recommended during pregnancy, due to limited safety information