Exxon Valdez |
BP Deepwater Horizon |
41.6 million liters |
779 million liters estimated by the National Incident Command’s Flow Rate Technical Group (FRTG) |
North Slope Heavy Oil (API 29) |
Light Louisiana Oil (API 35.2) |
tanker spill with known volume |
well leak with uncertain flow rates, large amounts of methane also released |
discharged as surface spill |
discharged at well head in 1500 m of seawater |
on Bligh (near island shorelines) |
77 km offshore |
impacted cobble/rocky shorelines, major storm in area with 50 mph winds 2 days after spill |
impacted deep-sea cloud of fine droplets of low concentration oil, marshes and sandy beach shorelines, 84 days to stop leak |
bioremediation used extensively |
aerial and subsurface dispersants used extensively |
fate of oil remnants still studied more then 21 years after spill |
fate of oil remnants yet to be determined |
much scientific and operating experience gained is applicable to other spills |
largest remediation and emergency response to an oil spill ever, worldwide |