Table 1.
Thought records for 3 different cases
Challenging family practice resident | Anger | They changed the call schedule just to stick it to me | Mind reading (the primary attributional error: presuming others’ intentions are sinister) Personalizing (assuming that likely random events are directed at oneself) Shoulding (insisting that others should cater to your needs because you’re you (also known as the surgeon’s fallacy) |
Tremulous medical CBT trainee | Anxiety | I’ll never learn CBT | Emotionally reasoning (the pseudo-logic that feelings are accurate—because they’re feelings) Fortune telling (presuming to know the future) Polarized thinking (believing if you can’t master CBT, there’s no point learning it at all) |
Unemployed man with a string of bad job interviews | Sadness | I’m a loser | Fortune telling (presuming that one’s loserhood—if in fact accurate—must continue indefinitely) Overgeneralizing (concluding that 3 bad interviews equals unemployability) Polarizing (believing that either one gets another job quickly, or one is clearly a loser) |
CBT—cognitive behavioural therapy.