Figure 6. Split and fusion events among T. cruzi and T. brucei chromosomes.
Panel A) Comparison among homologous regions of T. cruzi chromosomes TcChr39, TcChr7, TcChr14, TcChr30 and TcChr35 and T. brucei chromosomes Tb11 and Tb9. The homologous regions of TcChr7 (green box) and the end of TcChr39 (blue box) comprise the beginning and the end of Tb9, respectively. The beginning of TcChr39 and the entire T. cruzi chromosomes TcChr14, TcChr30 and TcChr35 were assigned to different regions of Tb11. Soft and dark grey blocks represent T. cruzi and T. brucei chromosomes, respectively. Panel B) Markers XM_803658 and katanin located in T. cruzi homologous regions to Tb9 were hybridized with chromosomal bands of clone CL Brener. Panel C) Markers located in T. cruzi homologous regions to Tb11 were hybridized with chromosomal bands of clone CL Brener. The probes were the following: H49, leucyl, XM_806918, XM_812638 and glucosamine. The gene identification and the accession number of each marker are indicated in Table S4.