Figure 1.
Multiple components present in the Cu(II)–Aβ(1–16) complex suggested by the experimental and simulated CW-ESR spectrum of Aβ(1–16) mixed with an equimolar amount of Cu(II). The amino acid sequence of Aβ(1–16) is illustrated with His6, His13, and His14 indicated in blue, red, and green, respectively. The experimentally obtained CW-ESR spectrum, which contains two clearly distinguished components, Component I and Component II, is shown at the top. The fraction of Component II as a function of the magnetic field is shown at the middle. At the bottom, the curves corresponding to 73% Component I, 27% Component II, and the mixture thereof are shown in red, pink, and bold red, respectively. Component II accounts for approximately a quarter of the Cu(II)–Aβ(1–16) complex at 3360 G while there is practically no contribution of Component II below 2810 G.