Figure 1. Structures of CaM and its complexes with NOS targets.
A: solution structure of apo CaM, 1CFC [9]; B: crystal structure of holo CaM, 1UP5 [10]; C – E, crystal structures of holo CaM complexed with NOS target peptides, C: nNOS, 2O60; D: eNOS, 1NIW [29] and E: iNOS, 3GOF. F: crystal structure of complex CaM/iNOSCaM-FMN, 3HR4 [30]. CaM molecules are shown with green ribbons and its NOS target molecules are shown with magenta ribbons. Calcium ions are represented with blue spheres. Residues T34 (left in each structure) and T110 (right in each structure) are represented with red sticks. The distances between Cα atoms of T34 and T110 are measured from the structures and indicated in black dash lines: 27.0 Å in apo CaM, 51.5 Å in holo CaM. This distance is 12.4, 13.0 and 13.3 Å in structures 2O60, 1NIW and 3GOF, respectively. In structure 3HR4, this distance is 13.6 Å.