Figure 3.
Centripetal angiogenesis and erythrodiapedesis in early stages of human atheroma. (A) General view of an asymptomatic lesion in human common carotid artery showing both cholesterol crystal clefts (arrow) and centripetal angiogenesis (square) (haematoxylin/eosin, HE ×4); (B) enlarged view of the neovessel showing the presence of RBCs within the circulating lumen, and erythrodiapedesis outside the vessel (arrow, HE ×40); (C) erythrophagocytosis (entosis) evidenced by the presence of RBC skeletons within a phagocyte (arrow, HE ×40); (D) enlargement of cholesterol crystal clefts surrounded by immuno-staining of glycophorin A (brown, ×40).