Mean (±SEM) glutathione (GSH) concentrations (A), GSH fractional synthesis rates (B), and GSH absolute synthesis rates (C) in young control (n = 8) and elderly (n = 8) subjects before and after supplementation with cysteine or glycine. Values are significantly different at P < 0.05 on the basis of 1-factor ANOVA and Bonferroni-corrected t tests. A: aSignificantly different from the elderly before supplementation, P < 0.05; bnot significantly different from the elderly after supplementation; csignificantly different from the elderly before supplementation, P < 0.05. B: aSignificantly different from the elderly before supplementation, P < 0.01; bnot significantly different from the elderly after supplementation; csignificantly different from the elderly after supplementation, P < 0.01. C: aSignificantly different from the elderly before supplementation, P < 0.01; bnot significantly different from the elderly after supplementation; csignificantly different from the elderly after supplementation, P < 0.01. RBC, red blood cells.