Table 1.
In vitro and in vivo models of the human gut microbiota and their potentials and limitations
Models | Description | Main use | Limitations | References |
In vitro | ||||
Static batch system | Fresh feces or colonic contents suspended in buffer solution | Short-term metabolic and enzymatic studies | Rapid change in ecosystem composition | 7 |
Semicontinuous batch system | Chemostat culture system of semicontinuous flow Inoculated with defined bacteria, feces, or colonic content |
Long-term studies on metabolic, ecologic, and dietary fermentation | Host factors are ignored Stability of ecosystem is assumed |
7 |
Continuous batch system | Chemostat culture system of continuous flow Inoculated with defined bacteria, feces, or colonic content |
Long-term studies on metabolic, ecologic, and dietary features of GI microbiota | Host factors are ignored Complex system to set up Stability of ecosystem is assumed |
7,105,106 |
In vivo | ||||
Laboratory animals | Fresh feces or colonic contents from conventional microbiota animals | Metabolic, ecological, and preclinical studies | Differences between animals and humans gut microbiota composition | 7,109,112 |
Gnobiotic animals | Germ-free laboratory animals colonized with defined organisms or transferred microbiota from a laboratory animal or a human volunteer | Host-bacterial and bacterial-bacterial interaction studies | Alteration of bacterial interactions | 7,10,49 |
Human volunteers | Fresh feces or colonic contents from human volunteers | Metabolic, ecological, chemical, and clinical studies | Ethical issues Relevance of feces/colonic contents to represent the overall GI microbiota |
7,36,42 |
Abbreviation: GI, gastrointestinal.