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. 2011 Jul 11;5:71–86. doi: 10.2147/BTT.S19099

Table 1.

In vitro and in vivo models of the human gut microbiota and their potentials and limitations

Models Description Main use Limitations References
In vitro
Static batch system Fresh feces or colonic contents suspended in buffer solution Short-term metabolic and enzymatic studies Rapid change in ecosystem composition 7
Semicontinuous batch system Chemostat culture system of semicontinuous flow
Inoculated with defined bacteria, feces, or colonic content
Long-term studies on metabolic, ecologic, and dietary fermentation Host factors are ignored
Stability of ecosystem is assumed
Continuous batch system Chemostat culture system of continuous flow
Inoculated with defined bacteria, feces, or colonic content
Long-term studies on metabolic, ecologic, and dietary features of GI microbiota Host factors are ignored
Complex system to set up
Stability of ecosystem is assumed
In vivo
Laboratory animals Fresh feces or colonic contents from conventional microbiota animals Metabolic, ecological, and preclinical studies Differences between animals and humans gut microbiota composition 7,109,112
Gnobiotic animals Germ-free laboratory animals colonized with defined organisms or transferred microbiota from a laboratory animal or a human volunteer Host-bacterial and bacterial-bacterial interaction studies Alteration of bacterial interactions 7,10,49
Human volunteers Fresh feces or colonic contents from human volunteers Metabolic, ecological, chemical, and clinical studies Ethical issues
Relevance of feces/colonic contents to represent the overall GI microbiota

Abbreviation: GI, gastrointestinal.