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. 2011 Jun 16;32(5):965–976. doi: 10.1007/s13277-011-0198-x

Table 2.

Molecules involved in p53-dependent cellular processes and regulation of p53 activity whose expression is upregulated in C85 cells during establishment of methotrexate-induced senescence

Process Molecules
p53-dependent process
 Apoptosis induction APAF1, BAX, DR4, DR5, FAS, LRDD, NOXA, PERP, PIG3, PUMA, TP53INP1
 Angiogenesis inhibition SERPINB5, THBS1
 Autophagy induction DRAM
 Cell cycle arrest CDKN1A, Cyclin G, GADD45A, GADD45B, GADD45G, SFN
 Cell survival BCL2L1
 DNA repair PCNA, RRM2B
 Glycolysis inhibition TIGAR
 Senescence PAI-1
Regulation of p53 activity BRCA1, MDM2, MDM2b, PCAF, PLAGL1
Autophagy ATG12, ATG16L1, ATG16L2, ATG4A, ATG4B, ATG4D, BECN1, MAP1LC3B
Apoptosis regulation and execution BAK1, CASP7, CASP9, CASP10, CFLAR, LMNA, SPTAN1

The relevant molecules were inferred from the canonical p53 and apoptosis signaling pathways implemented in IPA software and in Ref. [56]. The molecules upregulated during both senescence initiation and maintenance phases are printed bold, upregulated during the initiation phase are printed with a regular font and upregulated during the maintenance phase are underlined.

APAF1 apoptotic peptidase activating factor, ATG autophagy-related gene, BAK1 BCL2-antagonist/killer 1, BAX BCL2-associated X protein, BCL2L1 BCL2-like 1 nuclear gene encoding mitochondrial protein (Bcl-xL), BECN1 beclin 1, BRCA1 breast cancer 1, DRAM damage-regulated autophagy modulator, CASP7/9/10 caspase 7/9/10, CDKN1A p21waf1/cip1, CFLAR FLAME-1 (FLIP), DR4/5 death receptor 4/5, FAS TNF receptor superfamily, member 6, GADD45A/B/G growth arrest and DNA-damage-inducible alpha/beta/gamma, LMNA lamin A/C, LRDD leucine-rich repeats and death domain containing (PIDD), MAP1LC3B microtubule-associated protein 1 light chain 3 beta, NOXA phorbol-12-myristate-13-acetate-induced protein 1 (PMAIP1), PAI-1 plasminogen activator inhibitor type 1 (SERPINE2), PCAF p300/CBP-associated factor, PCNA proliferating cell nuclear antigen, PERP TP53 apoptosis effector, PIG3 tumor protein p53 inducible protein 3 (TP53I3), PLAGL1 pleiomorphic adenoma gene-like 1 (ZAC1), PUMA p53 upregulated modulator of apoptosis (BBC3), RRM2B ribonucleotide reductase M2B, SERPINB5 serpin peptidase inhibitor (maspin), SFN stratifin (14-3-3 sigma), SPTAN1 spectrin; TP53INP1 tumor protein p53 inducible nuclear protein 1 (Teap), TIGAR TP53-inducible glycolysis and apoptosis regulator (C12ORF5), THBS1 thrombospondin 1. Corresponding microarray data are presented in Table S2