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. 2011 Aug;6(8):1963–1972. doi: 10.2215/CJN.02300311

Table 3.

Percentage bias and bias on a logarithmic scale (95% confidence interval) for eGFR calculated using the CKD-EPI equation and MDRD equation with mGFR by iothalamate renal clearance in different populations

eGFR range (ml/min/1.73 m2) Equation Potential Kidney Donors Postnephrectomy Kidney Donors Native CKD Kidney Recipients Other Organ Recipients
Percentage bias
    overall CKD-EPI −8% (−10%, −7%) −7% (−11%, −4%) 6% (4%, 8%) 8% (6%, 10%) 9% (7%, 12%)
MDRD −18% (−19%, −16%) −15% (−18%, −12%) 3% (2%, 5%) 1% (0%, 3%) 3% (1%, 6%)
    >90 CKD-EPI −3% (−5%, −1%) −4% (−34%, 26%) 16% (11%, 21%) 26% (19%, 34%) 18% (13%, 24%)
MDRD −8% (−11%, −5%) −17% (−49%, 14%) 18% (11%, 25%) 36% (22%, 51%) 18% (11%, 29%))
    60 to 89 CKD-EPI −13% (−15%, −11%) 2% (−4%, 8%) 7% (3%, 11%) 14% (11%, 16%) 11% (7%, 14%)
MDRD −20% (−22%, −19%) −3% (−12%, 6%) 1% (−3%, 5%) 6% (3%, 9%) 3% (0%, 7%)
    45 to 59 CKD-EPI −16% (−25%, −7%) −13% (−17%, −8%) 7% (2%, 13%) 3% (1%, 5%) 9% (3%, 15%)
MDRD −25% (−30%, −21%) −18% (−22%, −15%) −1% (−4%, 3%) −2% (−4%, 0%) 3% (−2%, 8%)
    30 to 44 CKD-EPI −15% (−20%, −10%) 5% (1%, 8%) 4% (1%, 7%) 4% (−1%, 9%)
MDRD −19% (−23%, −15%) 2% (−2%, 6%) −2% (−5%, 1%) −1% (−5%, 4%)
    15 to 29 CKD-EPI 5% (1%, 8%) 11% (3%, 19%) 1% (−7%, 9%)
MDRD 5% (2%, 9%) 5% (−2%, 11%) 3% (−7%, 13%)
    <15 CKD-EPI 0% (−7%, 7%) 7% (−10%, 24%) 7% (−29%, 43%)
MDRD 2% (−5%, 9%) 3% (−13%, 20%) −6% (−31%, 19%)
Bias on a logarithmic scale
    overall CKD-EPI −10% (−11%, −9%) −9% (−12%, −5%) 1% (−1%, 2%) 4% (3%, 6%) 5% (3, 7%)
MDRD −19% (−20%,−18%) −16% (−19%, −13%) −2% (−3%, −1%) −2% (−3%, −1%) −1% (−3%, 1%)
    >90 CKD-EPI −4% (−6%, −2%) −7% (−32%, 29%) 11% (7%, 15%) 23% (16%, 30%) 15% (11%, 20%)
MDRD −9% (−12%, −6%) −18% (−45%, 22%) 12% (7%, 18%) 31% (19%, 44%) 15% (9%, 22%)
    60 to 89 CKD-EPI −14% (−16%, −13%) 1% (−5%, 7%) 2% (1%, 5%) 11% (8%, 13%) 7% (4%, 11%)
MDRD −22% (−23%, −20%) −5% (−14%, 4%) −3% (−6%, −1%) 3% (1%, 6%) 0% (−3%, 3%)
    45 to 59 CKD-EPI −17% (−25%, −9%) −14% (−18%, −9%) 1% (−2%, 4%) 0% (−2%, 2%) 4% (0%, 7%)
MDRD −26% (−21%, −22%) −19% (−23%, −16%) −5% (−8%, −2%) −5% (−7%, −3%) −2% (−5%, 1%)
    30 to 44 CKD-EPI −15% (−20%, −10%) −1% (−3%, 2%) 0% (−2%, 3%) 0% (−4%, 4%)
MDRD −19% (−23%, −15%) −3% (−6%, −1%) −6% (−8%, −3%) −5% (−8%, −1%)
    15 to 29 CKD-EPI −1% (−3%, 2%) 5% (−2%, 12%) −4% (−11%, 4%)
MDRD −1% (−3%, 2%) −1% (−6%, 5%) −3% (−10%, 6%)
    <15 CKD-EPI −7% (−11%, −3%) 3% (−11%, 20%) 1% (−29%, 43%)
MDRD −6% (−10%, −1%) 0% (−14%, 15%) −10% (−33%, 22%)

The percentage bias was calculated as follows: {Σ [(eGFR − mGFR)/mGFR × 100%]}/n. The percentage bias on a logarithmic scale was calculated as follows: exp[Σ (log eGFR − log mGFR)/n] − 1. CKD-EPI, Chronic Kidney Disease Epidemiology Collaboration; MDRD, Modification of Diet in Renal Disease; eGFR, estimated GFR; mGFR, measured GFR.