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. 2011 Aug 16;343:d4836. doi: 10.1136/bmj.d4836

Table 2.

 Characteristics and details of surgery of 246 469 patients undergoing a colorectal resection in English NHS trusts between 1 April 2000 and 31 March 2008. Values are numbers (percentages) of patients unless stated otherwise

Elective surgery Emergency surgery (n=87 472)
Laparoscopic (n=10 131) Open approach (n=148 716) P value of difference
Resection type:
 Right sided 3627 (35.8) 42 229 (28.4) <0.001 34 962 (40.0)
 Left sided 2237 (22.1) 36 085 (24.3) 34 825 (39.8)
 Rectal 3836 (37.9) 59 479 (40.0) 5604 (6.4)
 Total colectomy 431 (4.3) 10 923 (7.3) 12 081 (13.8)
 Colorectal cancer 6673 (65.9) 104 352 (70.2) <0.001 33 493 (38.3)
 Inflammatory bowel disease 758 (7.5) 10 684 (7.2) 9201 (10.5)
 Diverticular disease 1051 (10.4) 13 063 (8.8) 18 915 (21.6)
 Other 1649 (16.3) 20 617 (13.9) 25 863 (29.6)
Age (years):
 17–54 1957 (19.3) 25 568 (17.2) <0.001 20 021 (22.9)
 55–69 3409 (33.6) 51 536 (34.7) 23 909 (27.3)
 70–79 3096 (30.6) 48 221 (32.4) 24 582 (28.1)
 >79 1669 (16.5) 23 391 (15.7) 18 960 (21.7)
Charlson score:
 0 6908 (68.2) 96 658 (65.0) <0.001 54 581 (62.4)
 1–4 1172 (11.6) 13 665 (9.2) 8312 (9.5)
 ≥5 2051 (20.2) 38 393 (25.8) 24 579 (28.1)
Carstairs deprivation index*: n=10 126 n=148 585 n=87 417
 1 (least deprived) 2285 (22.6) 29 107 (19.6) <0.001 15 225 (17.4)
 2 2456 (24.2) 34 589 (23.3) 18 221 (20.8)
 3 2216 (21.9) 32 694 (22.0) 18 932 (21.6)
 4 1770 (17.5) 28 910 (19.4) 18 427 (21.1)
 5 (most deprived) 1398 (13.8) 23 285 (15.7) 16 612 (19.0)
 Men 4920 (48.6) 79 234 (53.3) <0.001 40 819 (46.7)
 Women 5211 (51.4) 69 482 (46.7) 46 653 (53.3)

*Social deprivation status not recorded for 55 emergency patients and 137 elective patients (6 laparoscopic and 131 open approach).