Fig. 4.
Arrestin2 expression decreases with breast cancer progression. a A CEMA breast tumor progression array was stained for arrestin2. About 19 samples of DCIS, 97 samples of IDC, which included 19 cases of IDC grade 1 (IDC1), 40 cases of IDC grade 2 (IDC2), and 38 cases of IDC grade 3 (IDC3), and 20 samples of metastatic lymph nodes were evaluated for arrestin2 expression by AQUA analysis. Representative images of each stage are shown. Arrows denote inset regions. b. Quantitation of arrestin2 intensity in DCIS, IDC, and metastatic lymph nodes. An ANOVA test was utilized to determine statistical significance overall and Tukey’s post hoc test to determine differences between stages, and P < 0.001 (***) were considered statistically significant