Fig 4.
Normal phase LC/ESI-MS analysis of a S. acidocaldarius lipid extract reveals DolP-hexose. A. The [M-H]− ions of C40, C45 and C50 DolP-hexose detected at m/z 813.626, 881.687 and 949.695, indicated by C40 DolP-hex, C45 DolP-hex and C50 DolP-hex, respectively. The mass spectrum shown is averaged from spectra acquired during the 18.9–19.3 min window. B. CID MS/MS of the [M-H]− ion of hexose-charged C45 DolP (m/z 881.687). The inset shows the predicted chemical structure of DolP-hexose and the MS/MS fragmentation scheme. Where the position of a double bond is only speculated, a dotted line is drawn. C. Normal phase LC-extracted ion chromatogram of the hexose-charged C45 DolP [M-H]− ion at m/z 881.7, revealing three stereoisomeric species.