Figure 5.
Calbindin immunolabeling in the tree shrew striatum. (A–C) Low magnification images of the rostral (A), mid (B), and caudal (C) tree shrew striatum immunolabeled for calbindin. Note the presence of areas with higher and lower levels (black arrows) of calbindin immunolabeling. Also note the difference of labeling between the caudate and putamen in caudal areas (C). (D) Detail of calbindin labeling demonstrating the presence of striosomes in the caudate (black arrows). (E) Detail of the putamen in which the striosome/matrix organization is also present. Note that both in the caudate (D) and in the putamen (E) the striosomes (black arrows) are not completely devoid of immunolabeling. (F) Detail of calbindin labeled cells (open arrows) in the caudate of the tree shrew. These cells contain cytoplasmic staining as well as labeling in the initial segment of processes (arrowheads). Coordinates indicate the orientation of the sections in the figure (D, dorsal; L, lateral). ac, anterior commissure; C, caudate; cc, corpus callosum; ic, internal capsule; GP, globus pallidus; P, putamen. Scale bars: 1 mm in (A–C); 100 μm in (D–E); 50 μm in (F).