β-hCG immunoreactivity is highly elevated in human ovarian neoplastic and malignant carcinoma ovarian cancer patients, compared with normal tissue. Representative tissue sections, in which the intensity of brown deposition represents β-hCG expression highlighted by blue/purple hematoxylin counterstaining, depicts characteristic β-hCG immunoreactivity in positive-control placental epithelium (A), negative normal ovarian epithelium (B), negative normal fimbriated fallopian tube epithelium (C), negative endometrium (D), positive low malignant potential ovarian tumor (E), strongly positive high-grade serous carcinoma (F), positive endometrioid carcinoma (G), positive low-grade serous carcinoma (H), positive clear cell carcinoma (I), and positive mucinous carcinoma (J). Scale bars = 50 μm. Original magnification: ×200 (A–E); ×400 (F–J).