Figure 7. Cooperative effects of AR and mTOR inhibition in vitro and in vivo.
(A) In vitro response of Pten-null;Ar+ mouse (CaP8) and human (LNCaP) CaP cells to AR knockdown (sh-AR) or pharmacological inhibition of AR (MDV3100, 10 μM) with and without rapamycin (R: 1 nM) treatment. (Sc = control sh oligo). (B, D) In vivo response to treatments with castration, MDV3100, rapamycin or their combinations as measured by cell proliferation (Ki67+ cells) and (C, D) tumor burden in Pb-Cre+;PtenL/L and Pb-Cre+;PtenL/L:ArL/Y mutants (C, bar = 2 mm; D, bar = 200 μm; D, inset bar = 75 μm). Error bars = means +/− SD. See also Figure S7.