Figure 3. Effect of TrMPyP-MorG and PCT on human hematopoietic cell lines and leukemia cell samples.
Human cell lines or fresh samples from patients with acute (ALL) or chronic (CLL) lymphoid leukemia were treated with TrMPyP-MorG and white light (1.7 J/cm2), as previously indicated for Jurkat T cells, and cell viability was determined using MTT assay 24 h after irradiation. Cell death is expressed as a percentage of non-irradiated control cells. Concomitantly, the binding (30 min at 4°C) to the cells of FITC-MorG (0.125 µg/mL) was evaluated by flow cytometry (Mean flurorescence intensity (MFI) was measured). (A) Correlation between lectin binding and phototoxicity after treatment with 15 nM TrMPyP-MorG using Jurkat (1), Molt 4 (3) and CEM (7) (T lymphoid leukemia cell lines), HuT78 (9) (a Sezary T lymphoma cell line), ERG (4) and SKW 6.4 (6) (EBV-transformed B lymphoid cell lines), KG1a (2), KG1 (5), HL60 (8), K562 (10), U937 (11) (myeloid leukemia cell lines) cells. (B) Correlation between lectin binding and phototoxic effect after treatment with 15 nM or 30 nM TrMPyP-MorG of fresh primary ALL and CLL from five and four different patients, respectively. Results are the means ± SEM of 3–6 independent experiments for cell lines 1, 4, 9, 10 and 11, means of 2 independent experiments for other cell lines, and the mean of quadruplicate determination for leukemia samples. r2 = linear correlation index.