Figure 2. Aetiologies of influenza-like illness.
For each pathogen, the number of patients in whom this pathogen was detected (including single and multiple infections) is indicated in italic at top. The different patterns of single and multiple infections (1 line = 1 pattern) are depicted by the presence of plain black rectangles for relevant pathogens. The total of samples for each pattern is indicated in bold at the end of the line. InfA: influenza virus A; InfB: influenza virus B; RHV: rhinovirus; PIV-1 to PIV-4: parainfluenza virus 1 to 4; hMPV: human metapneumovirus; ADV: adenovirus; RSVA and B: respiratory syncytial virus A and B; Cor-229E, Cor-OC43, Cor-NL63: human coronaviruses 229E, OC43 and NL63; CP: Chlamydophila pneumoniae; MP: Mycoplasma pneumoniae; LP: Legionella pneumophila; BP: Bordetella pertussis.