BMS counteracts bortezomib and vincristine effects on cell growth and NFκB target expression in HPB-ALL cells. HPB-SR cells (SR) express a trans-dominant “super repressor” of IκBα (IκB-SR); HPB-puro (Puro) is an empty vector-transduced control. A, AlamarBlue cell growth assay. Cells were treated with 5 µM BMS for 48 h in the presence of bortezomib (Left) or vincristine (Right). P values indicate significant differences in cell counts at the highest concentrations of the drugs (asterisks). Experiments were performed in triplicate; representative graphs are shown. B, Expression of BIM, FAS, and BCLXL was determined by qRT-PCR; same conditions as in A. BORT, bortezomib. Experiments were performed in triplicate for two biological replicates. Student’s t test for all comparisons.