Figure 2. MEI catalog.
a) MEI genomic distribution. Circos plot with non-reference MEI represented in blue and reference MEI in red. The outermost ring of chromosomes show the cytoband structure. The outer histogram displays counts of Alu polymorphisms in bins of 5 Mbp, the middle ring L1 polymorphisms in bins of 10 Mbp, and the innermost ring SVA polymorphisms in bins of 20 Mbp. The radial scale of the site counts is the same for each element type. b) MEI family breakdown. Non-reference MEI (blue) and reference MEI (red). c) Venn diagram of non-reference MEI from each pilot dataset. Most of the loci were detected from the low coverage dataset (dark grey). d) Venn diagram of reference MEI from each pilot dataset. e) Venn diagram of non-reference MEI from this study and other studies [23]–[29], [34], [35].