Figure 4. S. bongori translocates five novel effector proteins into the host cell.
A. The translocation of TEM1-fusions of the putative new effectors, the positive controls SopB and SopD, and the negative control FabI into HeLa cells by S. bongori wild type (black bars) or the T3SS-deficient mutant S. bongori ΔinvA (white bars) was measured using a Fluostar Optima plate reader. The translocation rate is expressed as fold increase of the emission ratio 450/520 nm of each sample in relation to the emission ratio of uninfected cells. SboA-, SboC-, SboD-, SboH- and SboI-TEM1, along with SopB- and SopD-TEM1, but not FabI-TEM1 were translocated into the host cell. Error bars represent mean standard deviation (SD). Similar results were obtained in three independent experiments. B. The translocated effector SboI shows cytoplasmic distribution throughout strongly infected cells and a ring-like staining around bacteria reminiscent of a vacuolar membrane. HeLa cells were infected with S. bongori wild type or ΔinvA expressing SboI or FabI fused to four HA-tags (HAx4) for 2 h and processed for immunofluorescence microscopy (DNA - blue, HA-tag - green, LPS - red, actin - white). Bar = 5 µm.