Figure 2.
Correlation of blood oxygen level-dependent (BOLD) response with measures of alcohol abuse severity. Examination of the correlation between the alcohol–litchi contrast image and four measures of alcohol use severity/alcohol exposure suggests that craving responses for alcohol cues engage regions associated with habit learning and motor control in more experienced drinkers and those who experience more problems as a result of alcohol use (a–d). (e) Differences in the alcohol vs litchi contrast between treatment seekers and non-treatment seekers. Treatment seekers showed greater differences between the two conditions in the precuneus, SMA, compared with non-treatment seekers. All images are threshold at z=3.09, cluster corrected p<0.05, except where noted. (a) AUDIT—Alcohol Use Disorder Identification Test; (b) ADS—Alcohol Dependence Scale; (c) ICS-FC—Impaired Control Scale, Failed Control subscale; (d) years of regular drinking; and (e) treatment seeking vs non-treatment seeking.