Figure 8. Normal morphology of unmyelinated and myelinated axons.
Electron microscopy of sciatic nerves of 8-week-old mice A: L1WT, B: L1KO, C: L1Y1176A, D: L11180, E: L11152. Schwann cells compactly ensheathe multiple unmyelinated axons in L1WT and in all L1CD mutant mice, although L1KO showed abnormal Remak bundles. Myelin membranes were tightly packed around large axons in L1WT and in all L1CD mutant mice. Scale bar = 3 μm. F-G) Classification scheme of unmyelinated axons depending on the degree of ensheathment.
(a) not ensheathed; (b) partially ensheathed; (c) completely ensheathed.
H) The percentage of completely ensheathed unmyelinated axons was almost identical between L1CD mutant mice and L1WT mice, while significantly reduced in L1KO mice. * p <0.01, ** p < 0.005 (B-2).
I) G-ratio averages. There is no significant difference in the average g-ratio of L1CD mice compared to L1WT mice.
J-M) Distribution of g-ratios. There is no significant difference in the distribution of g-ratio in L1CD mice compared to L1WT mice, although L1KO mice have a larger proportion of axons with large g-ratios. *p <0.05, **p <0.01