Figure 5.
Extension of the wormlike bead-rod model (w = 4.6nm, lp = 53nm) in square nanochannels. The plateau values at large Deff/lp for the shorter chains agree with the free space data in Figure 3. Deff/lp = 1 corresponds to a real channel dimension of D = 57.6nm. The inset shows the region near Deff/lp = 1 in more detail. Symbols: simulations. Thicker solid line: theoretical prediction of Odijk's regime [Eq. (1)] with no adjustable parameters. Thinner solid line: power-law fit to the data with an exponent of −1.02 ± 0.01 for channel widths ranging from 60nm to 120nm. Dash-dotted line: power-law fit to the data with an exponent of −0.69 ± 0.03 for channel widths ranging from 120nm to 200nm.