Smurf1 and SMURF2 expression is dynamic in immature and adult mouse testes. Localization of Smurf1 mRNA by in situ hybridisation using a DIG-labeled riboprobe (purple staining) and immunohistochemistry localizing SMURF2 protein (brown staining) in mouse testis sections at the indicated ages. Chromatin is visualized by counterstaining with Harris Haematoxylin (blue). In all cases, no signal was detected when sections were incubated with sense probe (A′, C′, E′ and G′) or in the absence of primary antibody (B′, D′, F′ and H′). White arrowhead, gonocytes; black arrow head, spermatogonia; white arrow, spermatocytes; RS, round spermatids; ES, elongating spermatids; asterisk, Sertoli cell cytoplasm; red arrowhead, Sertoli cell nucleus; black arrow, peritubular myoid cells; I, interstitium. Scale bars = 50 µm.