Figure 2.
Quantitative analysis of the LG burst structure during the POC- and VCN-gastric mill rhythms relative to PD neuron activity. A, Mean percentage of LG spikes per bin across the normalized pyloric cycle during the POC-gastric mill rhythm, plotted separately for five different preparations, 10 LG bursts/preparation (see Materials and Methods). The mean fraction of the normalized cycle during which PD was active is shown by the PD bar at the top of the graph. Note the consistent drop in LG activity during and immediately after the PD burst. Each color represents a single experiment. B, Mean ± SE percentage of the total LG spikes across the normalized pyloric cycle for POC-gastric mill rhythms from 10 separate preparations, including the five experiments shown in A. C, Mean percentage of LG spikes per bin across the normalized pyloric cycle during the VCN-gastric mill rhythm, plotted separately for five different preparations, 10 LG bursts/preparation. Note the consistent absence of a drop in LG activity during and after the PD burst. D, Mean ± SE percentage of LG spikes per bin across the normalized pyloric cycle from 10 separate VCN-gastric mill rhythms, including the five experiments shown in C.