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. 2011 Aug 18;2011:649325. doi: 10.1155/2011/649325

Table 1.

Findings in schizophrenic patients and correlations in mice models.

Findings References

GAD67 ↓ GAD67 in prefrontal cortex Volk et al. [109]
Akbarian et al. [110]
Preserved # number of PV cells, cortex Woo et al. [111]
Hashimoto et al. [112]
↓ GAD67 level in PV cells, cortex Hashimoto et al. [112]
Association with polymorphisms in GAD67 promoter Addington et al. [113]
Chandelier Decrease in chandelier cells cartridges (GAT1+) in prefrontal cortex Woo et al. [114]
Volk et al. [115]
SST ↓ levels of SST in microarray analysis and ↓  number of SST cells, prefrontal cortex Hashimoto et al. [116]
NPY/CCK ↓ levels of NPY and CCK in microarray analysis Hashimoto et al. [116]
NRG1 Susceptibility locus in NRG1 Stefansson et al. [117, 118]
Zhang et al. [119]
Yang et al. [120]
ERB4 Susceptibility locus in ERB4 Silberberg et al. [121]
BDNF/Trkb Downregulation of BDNF in prefrontal cortex Weickert et al. [122]
Wong et al. [123]
Downregulation of BDNF and Trkb in prefrontal cortex Takahashi et al. [124]
PSA/NCAM ↓ PSA-NCAM complexes in hippocampus Barbeau et al. [125]
Gamma Gamma oscillations are triggered by working memory tasks + selective attention Tallon-Baudry et al. [79]
Howard et al. [81]
Decreased power of cortical gamma oscillations and phase locking to memory task Spencer et al. [82, 84]
Cho et al. [85]


Erb4 Selective interneuron loss of Erb4: “schizophrenia-like behaviors” Wen et al. [126]
Erb4/Nrg1 Erb4 in PV cells is required for Nrg1-dependant regulation of LTP (hippocampus) Chen et al. [127]
NR1 Selective loss of the NMDAr NR1 subunit in PV cells: decreased excitatory input to PV cells results in “schizophrenia-like behaviors” and ↓ expression of PV and GAD67 Belforte et al. [128]
BDNF BDNF regulates activity-dependant maturation of PV cells Bdnf−/− and Trkb−/−: ↓ synaptic GAD67 and GABA and behavioral anomalies Huang et al. [129]
Cotrufo et al. [130]
Hashimoto et al. [131]
PSA/NCAM Activity-mediated expression of PSA regulates PV cells maturation and visual plasticity Di Cristo et al. [132]
Gamma Gamma oscillations are triggered by stimulating PV cells: enhanced performance Cardin et al. [77]
Sohal et al. [83]
Gamma oscillations depend on PV cells-mediated fast-synaptic inhibition Bartos et al. [72]