Figure 3. Primary enterocyte cultures from Noc−/− mice exhibit decreased lipoprotein secretion.
Primary enterocytes were isolated from Noc+/+ and Noc −/− mice and cultured with radiolabeled oleic acid or cholesterol, washed and chased for 2 hours in the presence of 1.5mM oleic acid-containing micells. (a and b) Shown is intracellular content of [3H]-Oleic acid (a) and [14C]-Cholesterol (b) in primary enterocytes. (c and d) and secretion of [3H]-Oleic acid (c) and [14C]-Cholesterol (d) from primary enterocytes. (e and f) The radioactivity of [3H]-Oleic acid (e) and [14C]-Cholesterol (f) in conditioned culture medium was separated into different lipoprotein density fractions by density gradient ultracentrifugaion. All the graphs are means ± SEM (n=3), and asterisks in (a, b, c, and d) denote statistically significant differences (* P < 0.05) between genotypes by repeat measures ANOVA, and asterisks in (e and f) denote statistically significant differences (* P < 0.05, ** P < 0.01, *** P < 0.001) by Student’s T-test.. Slopes of regression lines are as follows: (a) WT: 0.012 +/− 0.002; KO: 0.021+/− 0.002; (b) WT: 0.021 +/− 0.003; KO: 0.027+/− 0.003; (c) WT: 0.046 +/− 0.004; KO:. 0.034 +/− 0.004; (d) WT: 0.033 +/− 0.001; KO: 0.026 +/− 0.002.