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. 2011 Jun 28;23(6):2348–2361. doi: 10.1105/tpc.111.086454

Table 1.

Peptides Comprising Clp Protease Core Subunits Selected for Absolute Quantificationa

Accession Peptide Sequence m/zb Qc
ATCG00670.1 P1-1 IAFPHAR 271.1573 (+3) N
P1-2 SPGEGDTSWVDIYNR 848.3841 (+2) Y
AT1G49970.1 R1-1 YLQAQAAIDYGIADK 820.4199 (+2) N
R1-2 TAPPDLPSLLLDAR 739.9143 (+2) Y
AT1G12410.1 R2-1 IALQSPAGAAR 527.8038 (+2) Y
R2-2 FNAEEAIEYGLIDK 806.3987 (+2) Y
AT1G09130.1 R3-1 EPIYIYINSTGTTR 814.4199 (+2) N
R3-2 DILVELLSK 515.3132 (+2) Y
AT4G17040.1 R4-1 GSAHEQPPPDLASYLFK 619.6441 (+3) Y
R4-2 YFSPTEAVEYGIIDK 866.4274 (+2) Y
AT1G66670.1 P3-1 DNTNLPSER 523.2491 (+2) N
P3-2 LPSFEELDTTNMLLR 889.9533 (+2) Y
P3-2 (ox) LPSFEELDTTNM(ox)LLR 897.9508 (+2) Y
AT5G45390.1 P4-1 SFEQVLK 425.7371 (+2) Y
AT1G02560.1 P5-1 ANLNGYLAYHTGQSLEK 626.9830 (+3) Y
P5-1 (d) ANLDGYLAYHTGQSLEK 627.3110 (+3) Y
P5-2 FQSIISQLFQYR 765.4092 (+2) Y
AT1G11750.1 P6-1 IIFIGQPINAQVAQR 834.4832 (+2) Y
P6-2 VISQLVTLASIDDK 751.4272 (+2) Y

For details on the other peptides that were concatenated within the Clp-QconCAT construct (includes peptides for Clp chaperones and adaptors), see Supplemental Table 2 online.


The m/z for the most abundant peptide species (unlabeled) with the charge state indicated in parentheses.


Can be consistently detected and quantified. Y, yes; N, no.