Figure 2. Myc and coilin overlap in ovaries, salivary glands and embryos.
A) A stage 9 egg chamber labeled with Myc (green) and coilin (orange). The light gray arrow points to a nurse cell, and arrowhead points to a follicle cell. A nurse cell lacking overlap of Myc with coilin is shown (nurse cell in the green boxes, panels below and left), and a nurse cell with Myc and coilin containing puncta is also shown (nurse cell in the light gray boxes, panels below and right). B) A stage 8 embryo (top) and stage 11 embryo (bottom) labeled with Myc (green), coilin (red) and DAPI (blue). Myc is generally diffuse throughout nuclei at stage 8 except for parts of the cephalic furrow (higher magnification boxes below the top embryo; the region magnified is indicated in the yellow box) and future ectoderm. By stage 11, Myc appears in puncta of the ectoderm and head regions, the latter is shown magnified in the yellow box. These puncta contain coilin (see text). C) A larval salivary gland nucleus labeled with Myc (white), coilin (red), Lsm11 (green) and DAPI (blue) shows overlap of Myc with coilin in the largest coilin-containing body.