Table 1. Subunits of complex I from Y. lipolytica indicating proteins missing in subcomplex nb8mΔ (bold and underlined) according to combined data from dSDS-PAGE, LILBID-MS, and ESI-MS.
Subunit | Ortholog B. taurus | Mr Mature, Da | Module | Identified in Subcomplex nb8mΔ by ESI-MSa | |
1 | NUAM | 75-kDa | 75,199 | Q/N | yes |
2 | NUBM | 51-kDa | 51,660 | Q/N | yes |
3 | NUCM | 49-kDa | 49,945 | Q/N | yes |
4 | NUGM | 30-kDa | 30,476b | Q/N | yes |
5 | NUHM | 24-kDa | 24,069 | Q/N | yes |
6 | NUIM | TYKY | 22,321 | Q/N | yes |
7 | NUKM | PSST | 20,426 | Q/N | yes |
8 | NU1M | ND1 | 38,348 | PP | yes |
9 | NU2M | ND2 | 53,332 | PP | n.d.c |
10 | NU3M | ND3 | 14,471 | PP | yes |
11 | NU4M | ND4 | 54,481 | PD | no |
12 | NU5M | ND5 | 73,705 | PD | no |
13 | NU6M | ND6 | 20,758 | PP | n.d. |
14 | NULM | ND4L | 9,811 | PP | n.d. |
15d | NUEM | 39-kDa | 40,434 | Q/N | yes |
16 | ST1 | — | 34,490 | unknown | n.d. |
17 | NESM | ESSS | 23,438 | PD | no |
18 | NUJM | B14.7 | 20,696 | PD | no |
19 | NUZM | B14.5a | 19,750 | Q/N | yes |
20 | NUPM | PGIV | 19,196 | PP | yes |
21 | NUXM | — | 18,565 | PP | yes |
22 | N7BM | B17.2 | 16,153 | Q/N | yes |
23 | NUYM | AQDQ | 15,940 | Q/N | yes |
24 | NUFM | B13 | 15,573 | Q/N | yes |
25 | NIAM | ASHI | 14,642 | PD | no |
26 | NB4M | B14 | 14,627 | PP | yes |
27 | NB6M | B16.6 | 13,960 | PP | yes |
28 | NUNM | — | 13,301 | PD | no |
29 | NUMM | 13-kDa | 13,117 | Q/N | yes |
30 | NI2M | B22 | 12,749 | PD | no |
31 | NB8M | B18 | 11,068 | PD | no |
32 | NIDM | PDSW | 10,890 | PD | no |
33 | NB5M | B15 | 10,348 | PD | no |
34 | ACPM2 | — | 10,092e | PD | no |
35 | NIPM | PFFD | 9,887 | PD | no |
36 | NIMM | MWFE | 9,662 | PP | yes |
37 | NUUM f | — | 9,652 | PD | no |
38 | ACPM1 | SDAP | 9,636e | PP | yes |
39 | NI8M | B8 | 9,473 | Q/N | yes |
40 | NI9M | B9 | 8,981 | PP | yes |
41 | NEBMg | — | 7,917 | PP | yes |
42 | NB2M | B12 | 6,805 | PD | no |
Unpublished data. Purified subcomplex nb8mΔ was run on BN-PAGE, subjected to tryptic in-gel digestion and analysed by nano liquid chromatography ESI-MS.
Molecular mass includes 1,267.3 Da for the hexa-histidine tag and hexa-alanine spacer [18].
Not determined; the hydrophobic subunits ND2, ND6, and ND4L are not reliably identified by ESI-MS and subunit ST1 is known to dissociate from the complex during BN-PAGE [13].
Accessory subunits are numbered according to their molecular mass. Not that this numbering is not identical to Morgner et al. [13].
Molecular mass includes 564.7 Da for covalently bound phosphopantetheine-hydroxy-tetradecanoate.
Subunit NUUM was recently found in Y. lipolytica complex I [35], but we found an intron near the N-terminus resulting in a larger protein that lacked the N-terminal methionine. This was confirmed by peptide identification with LC/ESI-MS analysis at 100% sequence coverage (not shown).
Subunit NEBM was identified and characterized recently in another study from our laboratory (E. Nübel et al., in preparation).