(a) Secondary spheres formed from wild-type and Dlk1−/− primary neurospheres at P7 and P60. (b) Primary spheres from Dlk1+/+ and Dlk1−/− SVZ, after DLK1 treatment. (c) Quantification of unipotent (astrocytes), bipotent (astrocytes/neurons) and tripotent (astrocytes/ neurons/oligondendrocytes) clones derived from Dlk1+/+ and Dlk1−/− neurospheres grown in the presence or absence of DLK1 (left panel). Immunocytochemistry for GFAP (red), βIII-tubulin (green) and O4 (yellow) in differentiated neurospheres (right panel). (d) Primary neurospheres co-cultured with wild-type or Dlk1 mutant niche-astrocytes (upper panels). Immunocytochemistry for GFAP (red) and DLK1 (green) in niche-astrocyte cultures (lower panels). (e) Quantification of P7 and P60 co-culture experiments shown in d. (f) Primary spheres co-cultured with Dlk1+/+ or Dlk1−/− astrocytes and treated with DLK1. Dashed-lines indicate non co-cultured spheres. *p<0.05, **p<0.01, ***p<0.001. Error bars, s.e.m of triplicate cultures (3-6 samples per genotype). Scale bars: in c, 50 μm; in d (upper panel, 100 μm; lower panel, 30 μm).