Figure 2. Flash VEPs in eyes injected with vehicle or CS without or with ischemia pulses.
Animals were weekly injected with vehicle or CS for 10 weeks. Ischemia pulses were applied in one eye, while the contralateral eye was submitted to a sham procedure. Left panel shows average amplitudes of VEP N2-P2 component amplitude and right panel shows representative VEP traces. A significant reduction in flash VEP N2-P2 amplitude component was observed in eyes injected with CS for 10 weeks without ischemia pulses. The application of weekly ischemia pulses significantly abrogated the effect of ocular hypertension. No changes between vehicle injected eyes without or with ischemia pulses were observed. Data are mean ± SEM (n = 10 eyes/group), **p<0.01 versus vehicle injected eyes without ischemia pulses (sham), a: p<0.05 versus CS-injected eyes without ischemia pulses (sham), by Tukey's test.