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. 2011 Jul 11;174(5):515–522. doi: 10.1093/aje/kwr209

Table 3.

Ranked Influence of a Unit Increase in Competing Needs During the Past 3 Months on the Overall Physical Health (Score, 0–100)a of HIV-positive Homeless and Unstably Housed Women Living in San Francisco, California, 2002–2008 (n = 129)b

Main Effect Crude Population Effect Crude 95% CI Adjusted Population Effect Adjusted 95% CI tVIM Rank P Value
Crack use −3.89 −6.63, −1.08 −3.62 −5.89, −0.94 1 0.052
Any drug use −3.59 −6.15, −0.88 −3.1 −5.5, −0.6 2 0.013
Unmet subsistence needs −3.02 −5.31, −0.8 −2.91 −5.33, −0.61 3 0.016

Abbreviations: CI, confidence interval; HIV, human immunodeficiency virus; SF-36, Short Form 36; tVIM, targeted variable importance.


SF-36 physical health composite score in which a higher score indicates better health.


Each row represents a separate model in which a single main linear effect is estimated, adjusting for the potential confounding of all other significant study variables.