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. 2011 Jul 29;11:69. doi: 10.1186/1471-2431-11-69

Table 4.

Comparison HIV exposed uninfected and age matched HIV infected children

HIVe(n = 38) Age matched HIVi(n = 38) Relative Risk Significance
Age(months) 4.5 (0.8-11.2) 6(4.4-10) p = 0.4
• Z-score weight for age -1.74 (-3.4- -0.5) -1.9(+/-1.7) P = 0.9
• Malnutrition (Z-score<-2) 18 (47.4%) 19 (50%) P = 0.8
Major cases 17 (44.7%) 16 (42.1%) P = 0.8
Contaminated cases 15 (39.4%) 20(52.6%) P = 0.2
Emergency cases 12 (31.5%) 14 (36.8%) P = 0.6
No. of patients with a Complication 9 (23.7%) 24 (63.2%) RR = 0.40
P = 0.0005*
Mortality 2 (5.2%) 5 (13.1%) P = 0.4
Length of stay (days) 3-(2-7) 4(2-22) P = 0.2

Values expressed as medians (interquartile range) for continuous and number (percentage) for dichotomous variables. Relative risk is expressed as the RR (95%confidence interval) * are significant values.