Figure 1.
(A) Time course of Cx43 induction. Endometrial stromal cells (ESC) were cultured for 0, 2, 4 and 8 days in the presence of 10 nM estradiol, 100 nM progesterone and 0.5 mM dibutyryl cAMP (E/P/c). Western blotting as described allowed quantification of Cx43 (43 kD MW) and β-actin (42 kD MW). Molecular weight standards, faintly ECL positive, are shown in the right lane. (B) ESC cultured for 8 days in the absence (cont) or presence of hormones (E/P/c) as above were lysed and probed for Cx43, Cx26 and β-actin, with corresponding molecular weights as indicated at right..