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. 2011 Aug 9;12:106. doi: 10.1186/1471-2350-12-106

Table 6.

Clinical findings associated with defects in CNTNAP2

CNTNAP2 Sex & Age ID Speech Age of Walking Seizures
age of onset
Birth parameters
Weight, Heigth, OFC
Behavioral anomalies/
Facial dysmorphisms Other findings
C1 f, 8y Severe none 2y with aid, lost this function (3y) yes, resist. to treatment 2430 g
45 cm
not reported
hand movements synophrys, long eyelashes, prominent columella, short philtrum, arched palate, widely spaced teeth, prominent jaw happy, affectionate, TOF, pyloric stenosis, vesicoureteric reflux, agenesis of labia minora, hirsutism, tapering fingers
C2 m, 18y Severe ? ? complex,
early onset
? ? ? hyperbreathing, apnoe episodes
C3 f, 11y Severe few words, lost this function 2,5y, lost this function 3y 3510 g P10
yes broad mouth, protruding tongue develop. regression from 15 m, swallowing problems, nocturnal laughing, scoliosis, spastic tetraparesis, hyperreflexia, constipation, hyperbreathing
Zweier et al., 2010 [28]
f, 7y Profound none no 3-6mo 3400 g P5
yes broad forehead, prominent ear lobes, widely spaced teeth, tented upper lip exotropia, heterochromasia, high pain threshold, cold feet, sleeping problems, joint hyperlaxity
C5 f, 2y 8mo Profound none no,
no crawling
none 4030 g
53 cm
38 cm
high arched palate, upslanting palpebral fissures, small teeth, prominent forehead septo-optical dysplasia, MRI: agenesis of septum pellucidum
C6 f, 8y Profound none no yes, resist. to treatment 1160 g
35 cm
28 cm
mild synophrys, low set, large ears, fleshy ear lobes, thin upper lip, low frontal hairline birth at 29th week of gestation, blindness, hydrocephalus, ductus arteriosus, syndactyly toes 2-3, hypotonia, spasticity of legs, obstipation, liquid uptake by PEG tube
C7 f, 8y moderate to severe simple 15mo none 3860 g
54 cm
34 cm
suspected in infancy epicanthal folds, tented upper lip, short columella, bulbous nose overfriendliness, pubertas praecox, delayed bone age, retentive memory, excessive empathy, autoagressive behavior, flat feet

published biallelic defects
N = 13 [24,25]
2x f, 1x m, 10x not reported, 1-20y Severe 2x no, 1x single words [26], 10x yes, but regression [24,25] 2x normal, 1x not known [26], 10x 16mo-30mo [24,25] 13x yes,
not reported <P3-normal
not reported
8x yes [24,26], 1x tooth grinding and repetitive hand movements [26] 2x wide mouth and thick lips [26] 1x dry skin, 1x regression, 1x cerebellar hypoplasia,
3x hyperbreathing [26], 10x developmental regression with onset of seizures, 9x decreased deep tendon reflexes [24,25], 4x MRI: cortical dysplasia [24], 1x MRI: leukomalacia, 1x hepatosplenomegaly [25]
published heterozygous
N = 12 [1,3,7,12,21,33]
6x not reported [1,3,21], 1x normal [7], 2x mild-moderate [3,7], 3x severe [7,12,33] 6x not reported [1,3,21], 1x normal [7], 3x speech impairment [7,12] 2x no [7,33] 11x not reported [1,3,7,12,21], 1x no [33] 5x not reported [1,3], 2x no [12,33], 5x yes [3,7,21],
not reported not reported 8x yes [1,3,7] not reported 1x multiple congenital malformations [33], 1x Gilles de la Tourette syndrome [12], 3x Schizophrenia [7]

TOF, tetralogy of Fallot; f, female; m, male; y, year; mo, month; ASD, autism spectrum disorder; published reports on CNTNAP2 and NRXN1: only papers containing clinical data are cited; ass., associated; P, centile; ass., associated