Table 6.
Clinical findings associated with defects in CNTNAP2
CNTNAP2 | Sex & Age | ID | Speech | Age of Walking | Seizures age of onset |
Birth parameters Weight, Heigth, OFC |
Weight Height OFC |
Behavioral anomalies/ Stereotypies |
Facial dysmorphisms | Other findings |
C1 | f, 8y | Severe | none | 2y with aid, lost this function (3y) | yes, resist. to treatment | 2430 g 45 cm not reported |
<P3 <P3 <P3 |
hand movements | synophrys, long eyelashes, prominent columella, short philtrum, arched palate, widely spaced teeth, prominent jaw | happy, affectionate, TOF, pyloric stenosis, vesicoureteric reflux, agenesis of labia minora, hirsutism, tapering fingers |
C2 | m, 18y | Severe | ? | ? | complex, early onset |
? | ? | ? | hyperbreathing, apnoe episodes | |
C3 | f, 11y | Severe | few words, lost this function | 2,5y, lost this function | 3y | 3510 g | P10 <P3 P10 |
yes | broad mouth, protruding tongue | develop. regression from 15 m, swallowing problems, nocturnal laughing, scoliosis, spastic tetraparesis, hyperreflexia, constipation, hyperbreathing |
C4 Zweier et al., 2010 [28] |
f, 7y | Profound | none | no | 3-6mo | 3400 g | P5 <P2 P50 |
yes | broad forehead, prominent ear lobes, widely spaced teeth, tented upper lip | exotropia, heterochromasia, high pain threshold, cold feet, sleeping problems, joint hyperlaxity |
C5 | f, 2y 8mo | Profound | none | no, no crawling |
none | 4030 g 53 cm 38 cm |
P75 P25-50 |
high arched palate, upslanting palpebral fissures, small teeth, prominent forehead | septo-optical dysplasia, MRI: agenesis of septum pellucidum | |
C6 | f, 8y | Profound | none | no | yes, resist. to treatment | 1160 g 35 cm 28 cm |
<P3 <P3 <P5 |
mild synophrys, low set, large ears, fleshy ear lobes, thin upper lip, low frontal hairline | birth at 29th week of gestation, blindness, hydrocephalus, ductus arteriosus, syndactyly toes 2-3, hypotonia, spasticity of legs, obstipation, liquid uptake by PEG tube | |
C7 | f, 8y | moderate to severe | simple | 15mo | none | 3860 g 54 cm 34 cm |
P25-P50 P50 <P5 |
suspected in infancy | epicanthal folds, tented upper lip, short columella, bulbous nose | overfriendliness, pubertas praecox, delayed bone age, retentive memory, excessive empathy, autoagressive behavior, flat feet |
published biallelic defects N = 13 [24,25] |
2x f, 1x m, 10x not reported, 1-20y | Severe | 2x no, 1x single words [26], 10x yes, but regression [24,25] | 2x normal, 1x not known [26], 10x 16mo-30mo [24,25] | 13x yes, 4mo-30mo |
not reported | <P3-normal not reported <P3-P99 |
8x yes [24,26], 1x tooth grinding and repetitive hand movements [26] | 2x wide mouth and thick lips [26] | 1x dry skin, 1x regression, 1x cerebellar hypoplasia, 3x hyperbreathing [26], 10x developmental regression with onset of seizures, 9x decreased deep tendon reflexes [24,25], 4x MRI: cortical dysplasia [24], 1x MRI: leukomalacia, 1x hepatosplenomegaly [25] |
published heterozygous defects N = 12 [1,3,7,12,21,33] |
6x not reported [1,3,21], 1x normal [7], 2x mild-moderate [3,7], 3x severe [7,12,33] | 6x not reported [1,3,21], 1x normal [7], 3x speech impairment [7,12] 2x no [7,33] | 11x not reported [1,3,7,12,21], 1x no [33] | 5x not reported [1,3], 2x no [12,33], 5x yes [3,7,21], 0y-34y |
not reported | not reported | 8x yes [1,3,7] | not reported | 1x multiple congenital malformations [33], 1x Gilles de la Tourette syndrome [12], 3x Schizophrenia [7] |
TOF, tetralogy of Fallot; f, female; m, male; y, year; mo, month; ASD, autism spectrum disorder; published reports on CNTNAP2 and NRXN1: only papers containing clinical data are cited; ass., associated; P, centile; ass., associated