Figure 4. An example of the chimeric faces and its possible representations in the patient's two hemispheres.
A. According to SFT, the information of the left half of the chimeric face (left to the fixation, half of a female face, upper panel) is exclusively projected to the right hemisphere (RH) and that of the right half of the chimeric face (right to the fixation, half of a male face, upper panel) is exclusively projected to the left hemisphere (LH). Because face recognition is right hemispheric dominant, the patients with interrupted splenium of the corpus callosum would make a gender judgment by the left part of the chimeric face (in this case, the patient would judge the chimeric face as a whole female face, owing to “hallucinated completions” of faces. [ Levy, Trevarthen and Sperry, 1972; Trevarthen and Kinsbourne, 1972] ). B. According to BPT, the information of the left half as well as right half of the chimeric face (upper panel) are projected simultaneously to both RH and LH. The patient would see both parts of the chimeric face.