Figure 1.
Longitudinal neurobehavioral data for the SSD participants (N=6) collected at three different time points. The Mean(SD) age in years of the SSD participants at Time Point 1, 2 and 3 was 6(2), 10(2) and 17(2) respectively. For the TOLD sentence repetition and the Wisc Digit span, the scaled scores have a mean of 10 and a SD of 3. They are interpreted as follows: 1-4 very poor, 5-7 below average or weakness, 8-12 average,13-15 above average or strength; 16-19 superior. For the standard scores (PIQ, reading and language), 90-110 average, 80-89 low average, 70-79 borderline or poor; below 70 is very poor or mentally retarded. (A) Standard scores for Performance IQ (PIQ), Language (LANG) and Reading (READ). Language is the standard total score on either the Test of Language Development-Primary 2nd Edition (TOLD-P:2), the Test of Language Development-Primary 3rd Edition (TOLD-P:3) or the Clinical Evaluation of Language Fundamentals-3rd Edition (CELF-3). Reading (READ) is the Word Identification and Word Attack Subtests of the Woodcock Reading Mastery Test-Revised (WRMT-R). (B) Scaled scores for the working memory measures: Sentence Repetition and Digit Span Subtests. (C) Performance on the working memory measures: Multisyllabic Word (MSW) and Multisyllabic Nonword (MSNW) Repetition reported as percent correct repetition (% Correct Rep) for a control group composed of individuals with TSL development and the SSD subjects evaluated in this study. Both groups were recruited from a large cohort of individuals enrolled in an ongoing longitudinal study of speech and language development. Note that the normal TSL controls enrolled in the fMRI study were not recruited from the ongoing longitudinal study cohort.