Table 4. Mean ± standard deviation for measures of narrative discourse1, 2.
Lewy Body Spectrum Disorder | DLB/PDD subgroup | PD subgroup | Controls | |
Local connectedness (max=30) | 21.8 ±8.1** | 16.5 ±8.7**++ | 25.9 ±4.6 | 27.9 ±2.5 |
Search theme maintenance (max=4) | 2.4 ±1.8** | 1.1 ±1.5**++ | 3.3 ±1.4 | 4.0 ±0.0 |
Global connectedness (% patients) | 58 ±50** | 29 ±47**++ | 82 ±39 | 100 ±00 |
Pairwise statistical differences between groups
differs from controls, p<.05
differs from controls, p<.01
differs from PD, p<.05
differs from PD, p<.012.
For all statistically significant comparisons of DLB/PDD patients to Controls, the effect size is “large” (Cohen's d > .8).